
What is Collectively Bargained Workers’ Compensation?

Collectively Bargained Workers’ Compensation (CBWC) is a replacement of the conventional system of workers’ compensation benefit delivery and dispute resolution brought about by a union and its signatory contractors through the collective bargaining process.

Through the use of a unique Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process, Exclusive Medical Provider Networks, and other cooperative labor/management components, these programs expedite the process of administering and settling workers’ compensation claims.

What are the Benefits?

  • A major benefit of ADR is the employer’s ability to be pro-active within the claims process. You can communicate directly with the ombudsperson and participate in the mediation/arbitration process so that your interests are well represented.
  • A knowledgeable, proactive liaison to help navigate the claims process – the Ombudsperson
  • Faster recovery and return to work for injured workers
  • A fast and simple dispute resolution process – ADR – that saves time and aggravation
  • A proven means to control and reduce claims costs
  • A means to prevent or mitigate expensive and time consuming litigation
  • Reduction of worker’s compensation premiums
  • There are significant expense reductions in your overall workers’ compensation program by participation in an ADR Group Insurance Program.


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